The Core is an opportunity to inquire into the fundamental aspects of being and our relationship with God, nature and our fellow human beings.
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Politics Majors must pass a comprehensive examination. Please click on the link below for instructions.
Senior Comprehensive Examination Instructions (2025)
These websites contain information about conference dates and deadlines.
FindLaw.comResources and links for state and federal laws and court decisions.
Founding.comAmerican founding documents
Information assembled by Dr. Tiffany Miller for the Department of Politics, University of Dallas.
B. Texas State House of Representatives For information of individual members, and for employment opportunities, visit
A. City of Dallas Mayors Internship ProgramThe Dallas Mayors Office is seeking motivated, mature students with good judgment skills, spirit, imagination, energy and a commitment to excellence. The internship will help; build the foundation for careers as elected officials, political science researchers, public administrators, journalists and other related fields. This is a relatively new, highly competitive program that receives dozens of applicants for a limited number of internships. For more information, and for an application, go to
B. City Manager's Office InternshipsThese internships are available in various cities around DFW, including Grand Praire, Southlake, Addison, and others. Students are advised to visit individual city webpages to find more information, but two helpful resources include the Job Listing page on UMANT (Urban Management Assistants of North Texas) and the website At least some offer a salary: the Grand Prairie City Manager's office, for example, offers a paid internship for however long the student prefers
IV. DFW-based Public Interest Groups: